The Community Spirit--True service
Our lives are filled with a constant stream of dualities, and moral dilemmas that help to shape our point of view. We experience good and evil, light and dark, right and wrong, truth and falsehood and communities and the non-community.
This where our experiences of community dangerously leads us into a failed social arrangement that marginalizes differences and servers diversity in people and in thinking. More importantly, it assumes that because of commonality that community exist. Commonality is a static view of "community", predicated on similarities we have with other people. Which mistakenly leads us on a path of assumption which can dangerously lead to disharmony, obstruction and loss. Acknowledging similarities among people is a great way to begin to form healthy relations, but there is another dynamic at play when it comes to community.
Community like other organisms is alive and has a spirit, it has a life. It is capable of living and dying, growing and declining, and even resurrecting itself. The biology of community is based on a set of principles and we all give it life or death. Thankfully, the seeds of community can be sewn again and again. This is why the standard definitions of community fails to lead us in the direction of cultivating community and the community spirit.
Today we abuse the word community, mainly because we never had to define its core values, nor were we ever challenged to live by its principles. We assumed that since we were with like minds that community existed and begin operating from a failed social arrangement. Even more so, divided ourselves into gated communities, secret organizations, and societies from those who really didn't share our commonalities, let's stop the nonsense. I invite us all to adopt a community mindset, embracing all who share our common values and spirit, let's build a true community.
Yahya John--is the founder of Uni-Five a pitch competition community.
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